SkunkMonk August 2014 at L'Aqua's Gold Room in Darling Harbour Sydney. The topic Fashion over Function was debate by a group of Technical and Creative professionals and was a huge success, totally engaging our SkunkMonk audience.
A BIG thanks to everyone involved ..including Caroline Pemberton - MC, Chy Chuawiwat - Offis CEO, Shahe Momdjian and his team at Masters Academy, our panel guests - Ben Moir - Wearable Experiments, Aryeh Sternberg - News Corp, Craig Quilkey - 1MD and David Francis - Blue Star Group and Experiencial artist Sarah Rowan Dahl.
Showcases from Objective Experience, Silicon Memory Technologies, Page 2 and We:eX.
Video Production - Page2
Marketing & Events: Ric Holland CMO - Offis Multi-Cloud Services